June 9, 2010

Licenses, Dinos and Flowers!

While last week was rather stressful and frustrating, this one has started out on some rather positive notes (other than the fact that I may need to stay late tomorrow and I stayed an extra hour last night).  First off, the new/return receptionist is getting better at what she does.  She is able to do her tasks quicker, however, she for some reason thinks I work on every single file.  Bizarre chicky.  Just look it up in the system.  It says who was the last one in the file and they are more than likely the one working on the file.  However, she is still very very slow on the file opening.  Which is a problem because if I have to focus on file opening, I wont be able to do all the other tasks that are currently on my plate.  Everyone in the office has been throwing all kinds of random crap at her.  I guess they don't realize that these files don't open themselves!

Bossman also hired another girl.  There is no room for this girl.  Some weird old school portable desk was brought out of somewhere for the occassion.  It's set up right next to my desk.  There is no phone and no computer on this old school desk.  Therefore, she can't do any phone answering or anything that requires any of the computer programs that we virtually live off of.  She is our new banking girl, though.  This will take the load off some of the work that one of the other girls normally does so she can focus on closing the sale files that she has been given.  When the days are slow, though, or she's not at the bank, she doesn't have a whole lot to do.  She's been putting file folders, checklists, filing random crap, putting waybills in chronological order and not a whole lot.  It's hard to find stuff for her to do that doesn't really require the computer or phone.  Poor girl.  Hopefully something comes up or the bank needs to be visited more often so she doesn't appear as bored.

I got my Teraview licence on Friday!  Yay!  So I have a bunch of paper work that I am supposed to read through so that I don't make any mistakes.  Just got the USB from Bossman today.  You need this USB to be able to do any sort of work on Teraview.  It's really quite interesting.  The USB logs everything that you do on the computer program.  That way, the programers can track everything that is done on their site and can figure out where issues or fraud has occurred.  The liability risk is pretty high.  But today I did my very first execution search!!  Usually, after I do the requistion letter on the purchase files, I give the file to another coworker.  She then will do the execution search if we have the client's questionnaire.  The questionnaire is given when we open the file and it requires the client to file out how they plan to take title and exactly how they want their names to appear.  So now, I can do it myself!  I search two people.  The execution search checks to see whether anyone by that name has been sued by anyone else and the issue hasn't been resolved.  The search picks up every name so it might catch the middle and last names but the first names may be different.  It is still an execution against the client.  We then have to check with the client if it is them or not.  If it's not, we just get the client to sign an affidavit stating that they are not one and the same person as the person whose name came up in the search.  That can only be done if the execution is for a value of $50,000 or less though.  If it is over $50,000, or there are a number of them over $50,000, we have to write to the solicitor representing the person suing them, and get them to determine that our client is not one and the same person as that mentioned in the execution.  They will then charge us/our client for them to write this letter.  Sounds like a lot of effort, but a client cannot purchase a property if they have executions against them so the executions must be waived or lifted before the transaction can close.  I get to be a part of that world now!  Yahoo!  Tomorrow I will do my first transfer and charge/mortgage.  I like learning.

Saturday's Walking with Dinosaurs was absolutely amazing.  The dinosaurs were so large and they really looked as if they were moving around.  It was incredible.  The sound effects were perfect also.  The story was not what I was expecting it to be, not that I really knew what to expect.  There is a paleontologist narrating the story of the dinosaurs and he takes us through the ages.  Talks about the dinosaurs, other animals that were on earth at the time, the vegetation and the shape of the continents.  Here is the green vegetation before there were any flowers:

Meet the Dinosaurs!

Brachiosaurus lovin:

 The battle between the baby T-Rex, mama T-Rex, Protoceratops and Ankylosaurus!! RAWR!!
Close up of mama and baby T-Rex:

The ending threw me right off.  I didn't think they were actually doing a full and accurate retelling of the story of the dinosaurs but they did.  The meteor came and killed off the dinosaurs.  Left me a little sad feeling but then the baby T-Rex came out and took a bow and he was so cute that really you couldn't stay sad!

After baking healthy Strawberry oat muffins last night with Dominique, I wanted to bake some more this evening.  So I made some Banana Coconut Oat drops.  They only have five ingredients and don't take very long at all.  2 cups of oats, 1/2 cup of coconut, 3 ripe bananas, 1/3 cup oil and 1 tsp of vanilla extract.  I modified the original recipe because I had no dates and I like coconut a lot so that is the recipe I came up with.  They are only 1 Weight Watcher point each.  They aren't all that big but they are satisfying and that's all I need!  Here is what they look like:

I then decided to head into my backyard and see if the garden has been doing anything exciting lately.  Our perennials are not coming up all that well.  They didnt grow all that well last year either so I wasn't too surprised.  We got a few different plants to try and fill in the gaps.  So far, really only the hanging baskets are blooming.  And some annuals my mom planted out front.  But there is also an indoor hibiscus which we've put outside for the time being.  Here are some good blooms:
They still have raindrops on them from the light rain which fell all day long.  Gorgeous.  I love my flowers.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, an update! Geez, it took me a while to get to this though. I've been behind on my blog browsing ever since last weekend's wedding cupcakes. I'm still trying to catch up on my own blog. That's going to take a while!

    Walking with the Dinos looks way cooler than Sean made it out to be! I can't believe I missed it :( At least I could see it in your pics.

    Yay for you and Teraview! It's a little creepy that they're tracking everything you do though. They do that at my workplace too, with a program called LabTracker. Hahhaa, I should have realized that all along with a name like that! That's the program we use to log samples and everything sample related. Like if you want to know if a sample tested positive for something you just input the sample number into LabTracker and it will tell you.

    Did I mention that your hibiscus is gorgeous?! We only have the red ones because my parents love those ones but I love the gradation on your pinky-peach one. WANT! I must show it to my parents. I like your banana coconut oat drops too. I'm avoiding all non-organic coconut though because of the sulphite content and so far, except for one incident, I've been migraine-free for five weeks. Same goes for spinach, which I loved dearly in my salads. But five weeks without a migraine is a miracle for me so I'm sticking with it.
