March 8, 2010

And so it begins...

Hello and welcome to my blog.  I began my articles at a real estate law firm on March 1, 2010 .  I had already been working at the office as a receptionist/legal clerk for several months so the transition thus far hasn't been all that outstanding or remarkable.  I am still doing all the receptionist duties until a replacement is hired.  Until then, I am the first line of defence to prevent the crazies from actually making any sort of real contact with the fancy pants lawyers.

My student duties include opening real estate files and providing requisition letters/title searches on our purchase files.  This is to ensure that the transfer of title that our client receives from the Vendor is a valid one and that there are no encumbrances that are not taking care of before closing.  I know.  So far, my day sounds thrilling.  But it actually is.  You'll see.

The clients we deal with on a daily basis come from a variety of backgrounds.  No matter what that background, that background seems to make them crazy.  For example:  Just last week a guy sells his parking unit in a condo.  Just the parking unit.  Which, in itself, is perfectly fine.  Not everyone wants or needs a parking spot, especially while living in downtown Toronto.  So on the day of closing, title in the parking spot transfers from him to the new owner around 5 pm.  He is called and informed that the transaction has completed and title has been transfered.  We receive a disgruntled email from our client the next morning which was sent around 8:30 pm the previous evening.  It states: "Thecccre is someone parked in my parking space.  Should I call the police?  Why is someone parked in my parking spot?  They should not be allowed to park in something that I own!"  Obviously, he is crazy.  The crazies make up a large portion of my day.

There are also a lot of good times in the office.  Those days usually revolve around goodies of some sort.  For instance, today was someone's birthday.  We ordered in a Dufflet cake.  Caramel Dacquoise.  Was quite good.   Absolutely devine in fact.  And that made my entire day.  I am a foody at heart.  You'll come to learn that as well in due course.

I do not want to bombard you with everything all at once.  I need to save some good stuff for the days to come.  There is only so much that I can learn in a day.  And some days that isn't all that much.  And some days go by rather slowly.  But as those days come and go, I will be sure to keep you posted!


  1. Yay, I get to be the first commenter! I can't wait to read about the first of your crazy clients!! I should have done that while I was working for Canada Post--I had more than few of my share of crazies!

    Mmmm...Dufflet. I am sad but also really glad that that cake is out of my life--for now. Until my mom's birthday rolls around. The end of April means carrot cake!!!

  2. You are the first commenter since you are the only person who knows of this blog! haha I've told no one else yet. We'll wait to see if I keep this up for any length of time.

  3. You should, it's fun! The only problems is when you fall behind with posts. And I like that your first photo features a Dufflet cake. Awesome choice. I hope your co-worker liked her cake.
