March 11, 2010

The never ending walk

I was going to bake tonight and finally use up more of my massive amounts of eggs but for some reason I lost all motivation to want to do that.

I must have had one of the worst walks in my life today.  I decided that it would be nice to bring my slow and ailing dog for part of my walk, thinking that he would at least make it to the corner before wussing out.  However, after 15 minutes of walking, we only made it past about 10 houses.  So I turned back and left him at home.  Then, after another 10 minutes, my iPod decides that it is going to die.  I knew I should have charged my battery before I headed out but of course I thought it would last the length of the walk.  So now it's a lonely and quiet and long feeling walk.  Another three minutes passes by and I pass my my ex boyfriend, sitting in his car, in front of his friend's house.  Thankfully, I had on my stupid hat and he couldn't see me all that well.  So I ducked down and pretty much ran passed.  As I started getting warmer, I took off my mittens.  When I was about 5 minutes from my house, I realized that one pocket was less bulky than the other.  Yes, I LOST ONE OF MY RED OLYMPIC MITTENS!  So I must turn around and retrace my steps.  Finally I come across it and I swear it's exactly one - maybe two - steps after I put them in my pockets.  Then I turn back around and make my way home.  Such a pain in the ass.  And thighs.  And shins.  My 30 minute walk turned into an over an hour epic.  Bah.

I did a couple of different things at work today than writing tax letters and opening files.  First, I had to type up a Status Certificate review which one of the lawyers did.  A Status Certificate is issued when someone is buying a condo.  It pretty much tells you how healthy the Condominium Corporation that owns and runs the condo building is.  Most condo agreements are conditional on review of this status certificate.  So we provide the clients with a letter which tells them all the important things they need to know about the Corporation.  I typed up one of those today.

I also typed up a New Condominium Agreement.  These don't have Status Certificates yet because the Condominium Corporation that will be managing the building has yet to be registered.  It won't be registered for several years after they start selling the individual units.  New Condos and Homes are usually built 3 years or so after the Agreement is signed, depending on how far along in the project the person is when they sign the Agreement.  So what we do then is review the Agreement itself and point out anything that may be irregular.  Plus, the lawyer tries to make a list of extras and changes that should be capped in price.  Thankfully, both of those letters have precedents in the system and I just have to add a couple of things and give to the lawyer to review. Easy Peasy.

An agent called today.  One that we deal with relatively often.  He was trying to sort out all the people in our office, not that there are all that many.  The lady that he talks to the most often is actually the lawyer and he didn't have any clue.  He proceeded to tell me that he felt bad for always wasting her time!  I also made sure to tell him that the boss man is a lawyer.  We shared a laugh over that.  Then he asked:
"Are you a lawyer?"
Me: "Me?!  No not yet. But I'm certainly trying my hardest!"
Agent: "How so?"
Me: "Oh, I'm an articling student here."
Agent: " Oh how exciting!  Articling Student Jessie!"

He called back a couple of hours later and greeted me with "Jessie!!  Articling Student Jessie, to be exact!"  Quite cute and funny!!

Do you ever think of a song that is yers upon years old that you haven't heard for eons but suddenly it just pops into your head?  And then magically, within days, you hear it on the radio??  Well, for me, "Lovefool" by the Cardigans is one such song.  But I haven't heard it once on the radio in the past month since it originally popped into my head.  I've heard it SEVEN times!  What could that possibly mean?  It's not like the Cardigans are coming out with a new record or coming on tour.  It's just a song that I randomly thought about and mentioned that I was thinking about that is now making a revival in the pop world.  I have such powers and strength that I can make random old songs make a comeback!  And like I've mentioned before, my next song that I am waiting to hear on the radio is "Informer" by Snow.

90210 is finally back after months of being off the air.  I am a 16 year old at heart still.  Melrose Place and 90210.  My Wednesdays and Thursdays are back being fun filled and teenage!!!


  1. "Articling Student Jessie"...I love it! It's a little long though--I'll have to find some way to shorten it.

    OMG I heard "Informer" on the radio today! I think it was on Flow or Boom or some crap like that that was on at work. Oh and I agree about 90210...that's a good one. I set it to record on my DVR though since I spent tonight catching up on Gossip Girl.

  2. hahaha You judge me about Melrose Place and you watch Gossip Girl. We're both tweens.

    You heard INFORMER?!? I'm so jealous! Maybe it's making a comeback but just on a channel that I don't listen to. DANG! I'll have to expand my radio station choices.

  3. The lab was listening to CHUM FM all day today. I've never heard so many Lady Gaga songs in one eight-hour block. It was ridiculous!

    I only watch Gossip Girl because I think that Nate dude is hot but I would never date that guy because he's too pretty.
